Sleep is crucial for proper brain development, but teaching your child to sleep can be overwhelming.
Let's empower your child to get the best sleep possible.
All packages are customized to fit your parenting philosophy, your Childs needs, and your lifestyle
It's okay to ask for help
If you're here,
it's because you're tired, and I see you
Q&A solution
This mini support option is great for a parent who needs advice on minor sleep issues your child is experiencing such as: regressions, teething, travel, daylight savings, and nap transitions. On your client intake form you will be given the chance to ask 3 questions regarding your little ones sleep in which
*This sleep package, does not come with a written sleep plan
Package includes:​
♢Client intake form
♢3-5 minute personalized video answering your questions
♢30 minute phone call
♢ $15 of this will be redeemable on the Serenity, Peaceful, or Zen solution

Newborn solution

This package is perfect for parents, who are ready to set their babes up for sleep success by implementing tips and tricks and instilling healthy habits from the day they come home. Don't worry we are NOT doing any formal training at this age. This 30+ page guide includes; schedules + feed times, routines, soothing techniques, age appropriate sleep skills, safe sleep environment, and more!
Packages includes:
♢Full intake form
♢Full Newborn sleep guide
♢Follow up support (text, email, phone)
The Serenity Solution
With this package, we will work closely together to customize a sleep plan that is right for you and your child. This is best suited for parents who are looking to focus on nighttime issues such as, frequent night wakings, or night weaning.
Packages includes:
♢ 15 minute phone call consult
♢ Welcome packet to include intake form and first steps
♢ Review of sleep/food logs
♢ Customized sleep plan
♢Personalized daily Schedule
♢ 1 hour coaching call to go over the plan
♢ 1 week of unlimited support

The peaceful solution
With this package, we will work closely together to customize a sleep plan that is right for you and your child. This is best suited for parents who are looking to focus on nighttime issues such as, nighttime sleep, extending naps, transitioning naps, and handling early morning wake ups.
Packages includes:
♢ 15 minute phone call consult
♢ Welcome packet to include Intake form and first steps
♢ Review of sleep/food logs
♢ Customized sleep plan
♢Personalized daily Schedule
♢ 1 hour coaching call to go over the plan
♢2 weeks of unlimited support

The Zen Solution
With this package, we will work closely together to customize a sleep plan that is right for you and your child. This is best suited for parents who are looking to focus on nighttime issues such as, nighttime sleep, extending naps, transitioning naps, and handling early morning wake ups. This package is great for parents looking for a little extra support even after these issues are resolved.
Packages includes:
♢ 15 minute phone call consult
♢ Intake form about your babys sleep
♢ Review of sleep/food logs
♢ Customized sleep plan
♢Personalized daily Schedule
♢Customized future daily schedule
♢Guide on how to handle regressions
♢ 1 hour coaching call to go over the plan
♢1 month of unlimited support

over the rainbow mini solution
If you don't need a full sleep plan, but could use some advice- this is the plan for you!This package is ideal for parents who have a child that is already sleep trained, or generally sleeps well but is in need of help with a sleep challenge such as a regression, night weaning, early wake times, or nap transition.
Packages includes:
♢Full intake form
♢16 page E-mailed action plan
♢ 30-45 minute phone call to discuss action plan
♢Three follow up correspondences (Text, email, phone)